First College Acceptance

Rishon Bates, Staff Writer

From the day I first started high school, my goal was to do well and to be accepted into a college that I would love to go to. Over the course of four years, I worked my tail off so I could achieve these goals. Believe me, it wasn’t easy work. I’ve never been more stressed out or anxious in my entire life. I believed that I wasn’t going to get accepted anywhere because I felt that my GPA wasn’t high enough and because of how much everyone said how competitive getting into college would be.

With that mindset, when my junior year first began, I made sure to take a bunch of honors classes so that I could boost my GPA. I wish I had taken them much my freshman and sophomore years because in all honesty, they’re not harder than regular classes. After my junior year was finished my GPA rose significantly and I felt a little bit more confident about getting accepted into college.

But I still wasn’t pleased. I needed another boost in my GPA. So when my senior year came along, I made sure to not only take an honors class but also an AP class as well. I love taking on challenges.

After the first marking period had concluded, I finished the term with a 4.0 GPA. I had never felt so accomplished after that. Around this time, I had finished all of my college applications. Then about a month later, I was blessed to receive my first college acceptance letter from the University of Jacksonville. All the hard work I had put in throughout my high school career had finally paid off. I’m also happy to say that I got accepted to ALL of the schools I have applied to, and I am now committed to Stevenson University.