Spring Back Into Spring

Alieyah May Ordillano, Staff Writer

Temperatures are dropping, flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining as the seasons change again. Spring break is just around the corner, and surely we cannot wait to see what this spring will bring. 

The spring break will be starting on April 5, Monday, and will last a week, but the district will be closed earlier on April 2 for Good Friday. We have two weeks to go and will be there before we know it. In the meantime, Teaneck High School students have returned to the building to continue their hybrid learning model after the school closed due to cases of COVID-19. The third marking period is about to end, and students will have to decide whether to go back to school in person or stay remote.

Although it has been fluctuating with heavy winds and cold breezes these days, the weather will only get brighter and warmer on Monday in Teaneck. You can go out and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Maybe go outside, take a walk, ride a bike, jog, go to the park, or just breathe and smell the fresh air. Or you can also just stay inside with Netflix on your laptop or sit with a  book in hand and just view nature as it comes back to life. 

But with every flower comes the pollen. Spring is also known for being the allergy season. We must not forget to maintain social distancing, cover our sneezes, and keep ourselves and others safe.

The spring break is approaching fast, and, before we know it, the end of the school year too—a year full of new experiences. Only a bit more push through and our hard work will be rewarded with a two-month vacation in another season. But this would not look like any other break we have had for years. With the COVID-19 situation still prevalent despite the increasing circulation of vaccines, we must get around with caution. Better stay safe and enjoy your spring break!