Spring Track Season Has Arrived

April 20, 2017
Pacing, sprinting, jumping, and throwing. You know what this means: track season has arrived. Teaneck girls came out of a strong indoor season, placing 2nd in Leagues, and now they are ready to do it again. “They are a young team, and they have some key positions,” says Coach Lovelace. Unfortunately, due to the often inclement weather, the girls have had to practice inside. This limits them from being able to practice their main events, especially in jumping. Despite these
circumstances, Coach Lovelace says we can expect a good and solid team. Their key goal this year is to have as many athletes as possible make it to Nationals. Looking back at recent years, the team’s focus and attitude is what they are looking to develop. “A team that works together is ideal,” says Coach Lovelace. The girls’ spring track team is off to a great start so stay tuned! If you want to see them in action they have a home meet coming up soon: Teaneck vs. Old Tappan on April 24, 2017