Women’s March

February 7, 2017
On January 21st 2017, the day after President Trump’s Inauguration, men and women alike gathered together in cities like New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Ottawa, Antarctica, and many more to march for women’s rights. Images from all over the world show millions of people, not only standing up for women, but making up the general consensus that we as a country and we as people will not let our lives be changed for the worse. We will not lie down as a new administration that does not represent the people, that does not represent freedom, undoes all the progress we as a society have made.
As of the morning of January 21st www.whitehouse.gov was stripped of all references to LGBT rights and climate change. We have to accept the fact that we now live under a right wing conservative administration. Together we the people make up America. We determine the way we are governed not the other way around. Your voice should and will be heard. We will make America great. And if it is made great it will not be in the hands of one man, it will be at the hands of many, both women and men. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, or religion, we are all American.