Unearned Profits Become Losses
June 13, 2022
Can you lose what you never had? According to companies, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, fueling complaints of losing ‘potential profits’.
Everywhere you look, subscriptions emerge. If you open an app, second nature to us already, there is a good chance pop-ups will appear. Advertising discounts, sales, and benefits, the app encourages you to buy a membership and unlock exclusive perks.
By themselves, subscriptions are not inherently evil. Developers often depend on them for profit and maintenance. In fact, subscriptions may even offer free trials or reduced rates to give customers a sample before buying.
The true problem lies beneath the surface. What happens if a customer decides not to purchase a subscription? What if the price is too high? Or, what if only one person pays for a group?
While users appreciate the effort in apps, the lack of competition often leaves them with no other choices. Companies like Google/YouTube and Spotify corner the video market while Disney, NBC, and others host their own TV apps.
A recurring, monthly expense adds up over time. With rising costs, more people are sharing subscriptions on a single account.
Companies will not stand for this. Despite millions in profits already, these groups refer to account-sharing as ‘theft’, tantamount to losses.
Except, that’s the problem: are they really? If these subscriptions are not purchased in the first place, was there even a loss?
The only thing resulting from corporate greed is further trouble. Free ‘alternatives’, such as cloned apps with free subscriptions, are shut down en masse. For those who cannot afford to pay a premium for entertainment, it is a crushing blow.
Consumers should not back down. The loss of potential profit, on top of what is already earned, is a non-issue. In a world of money, cooperation through account-sharing is a symbol of strength and unity.